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A Hustler's Guide To Starting A Career In The Energy Industry

Henry Bassey. Published Nov, 2021.

The Changing Nature of Career

Due to the rise of the gig economy, the notion of "career" has shifted dramatically over time. The days where an employee will work for only a handful of organizations over their entire careers are long gone.

The concept of corporate ladders, pensions, and even the prospect of a consistent stream of retirement income are all in decline. Many well-known companies are desperately trying to hire workers as contractors and less as permanent employees. As a result, many people in the United States today rely on part-time, temporary, or freelance work to make ends meet. For example, more than a third of Millennials say they have various "side hustles'' besides their primary jobs.

For most people, however, such flexible work styles are perceived as highly stressful and unpredictable.

How Freelancing Benefits People Like You 

Working in the gig economy gives you control over several options - like whom you work for, what you are working on, where you want to work from, and how much you get paid for your work. In the world of freelancers and digital nomads, if you have several recommendations, you'll be able to pick and choose the employment offers that "best" suit your interests and allow you work-life balance once you've established a solid reputation and market differentiation. 

Working In The Gigs Economy

Furthermore, according to a McKinsey study, independent workers are happier at work than traditional workers. Nevertheless, whether they have traditional jobs or work in the gig economy, professionals working out of necessity have the same levels of discontent with their work. This is our next point of discussion.

The Downside to Freelancing

As much as the gig economy is gaining momentum, on the flip side, very little is said about the potential downside to the gig economy or the professional culture it has spawned. The organizations that provide this type of labor frequently do not ensure that their contractors receive the greatest training possible in order to maximize their potential nor have access to benefit programs and other perks. Their contractors are disposable by definition, and the firms seek to commoditize them. 

Because contractors handle their own company expenses, it seems nearly impossible to save for retirement or for their children's college tuition while trying to hit next month's figures to pay rent.

And a lack of stability breeds skepticism.

However, even in today's professional climate, it is possible to find a gainful freelancing job, especially in the energy industry - and we are going to tell you where to start.

Where Is The Best Place To Kick-Start Your Career In The Energy Industry? 

Short answer - The clean energy industry. Clean energy is a growing sector. Renewable energy is, at its core, an infrastructure business, and the clean energy industry as a whole is well-positioned to deliver steady employment opportunities since it is, after all, infrastructure.

In 2018, one out of every 23 workers who sought alternative employment picked the clean energy sector. This has remained so ever since the financial crisis of 2008, According to this Washington Post. Clean energy firms are now building and installing solar panels, taking energy audits, electric car development, and other services are available. Food and green trash are composted, recycling is done, and waste is turned into value. 

That's why renewable energy businesses want and need to hire personnel who know what they're doing and can be trusted.

Mean hourly salaries are 8 to 19 percent higher than national standards, according to a recent Brookings study. Wages in the clean energy business are also more egalitarian; lower-income workers can earn $5 to $10 more per hour than in other jobs. In fact, the clean energy business may be the only surviving sector where a worker who isn't an engineer or CEO can get a job with benefits for $45 an hour.

Renewable energy is at it's core infrastructure

The sustainable energy sector likewise values diversity and inclusion. There are many initiatives available to persons who "don't know anyone" in the clean energy industry.

We can get these through certificates or organizations like GRID Alternatives, which annually reach thousands of sustainable energy employees.

To begin your job search for an energy position, sign up with any Energy Workforce Management Solution provider. These are professional platforms that can both prepare you for the type of work you want to do — whether it's in electricity, mechanics, or construction — and connect you with hiring companies.

Another alternative is to work for contractors. They'll educate you on the fundamentals of installation efficiency, ventilation, and building, for instance, so you can provide clean energy firms with a more specific form of value when they hire you.

The basic line is that the clean energy sector, from renewable energy to energy storage, energy efficiency, sophisticated vehicles, and autonomous mobility, is brimming with opportunities.

It's in a unique position to bring both opportunity and stability. It's also growing, which is telling. According to a 2021 report from the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), 6.7 million Americans work in the energy sector overall, including electric power generation and fuels; transmission distribution, and storage; energy efficiency; and motor vehicles.

Sign up on energy workforce management solution providerFinding a rewarding freelance job in the energy sector is quite easy if you know where to look. Our parents' generation's economy may be a relic of the past, but we have the opportunity to shape the economy of the future. Sign up on Manup to begin your energy career today!